So I DVRed (yes i made that a verb) both E! and NBCs Red carpet coverage and first off I have to say that E! had much better coverage. Not only did theirs start an hour before NBCs so we got to see more but the quality was so much better as well (this does not bode well since NBC is on the decline - even though I work for an NBC affiliate so I hope things pick up soon - fingers crossed for The Event -which I have seen the pilot and am going to post something about it soon).
You get Ryan Seacrest on E! (not a huge fan but he knows his way around the red carpet) and Billy Bush on NBC (not particularly impressed with him) not to mention the NBC side crew including Nate Burkus (who by the way is getting his own show this fall) and let me just say that Nate's questions about everyone's bathroom floor and what they looked like was getting old after the 1st person. Not a big fan of that question, I don't care what someone's bathroom looks like I mean you can ask them how many dresses they tried on before they decided on this one but geez that's about all I care to know.
NBC also had horrible graphics. That little wipe screen of their horribly designed Emmy Red carpet logo between Billy and Nate just way too plain, someone could have and should have designed something with some animation, better colors and the logo itself was just horrendous. (I hate that I'm bashing my own affiliate but this red carpet show could have been much better and also as for the E! had a whole extra hour of coverage on them, I could have handled not having to do the 6pm news yesterday for more red carpet coverage!). And someone could have let Billy know that there were still 30 seconds left when he threw to the Emmy's the audience could see the clock why couldn't someone tell him in his earpiece to stretch?
As for the stars and the fashion I have these as my best and worst dressed (I love that no matter what they thought of their fashion Billy or Ryan or Nate or anyone always says how great they look because they have to - hehe)
January Jones is definitely a WORST dressed in my opinion. That dress was horrendous especially considering how great she looked last year. And her hair had that bed head look which E! commented on as well at the end of their red carpet coverage. Judge for yourself
As for the Best Dressed I have a few favorites Glee's Lea Michelle looked great in the Oscar De La Renta Navy strapless gown. Clare Danes looked stunning as did Modern Family's Sophia Vergara
What did everyone else think of the Red Carpet? Who had the best coverage of the red carpet? (I didn't get to see TV Guide Channel's coverage cause I don't get that channel but if anyone saw that coverage and thought it was awesome please share) Sound off in the comments - Jimmy Fallon did an excellent job as the host, especially his opening number and tribute to shows that are no longer with us. Overall the Emmys were pretty fun!
August 30, 2010
Emmys Red Carpet Reaction
Billy Bush,
Modern Family,
Ryan Seacrest
August 26, 2010
Summer Recap
Hello out there to all my blog readers (I know I'm kidding myself to think that more than 3 people actually read this thing). It's been a while since I posted something and my posts have been scarce this summer but I have been watching a lot of summer shows but I've just been trying to enjoy the weather while I can and therefore haven't taken the time to sit down and post anything.
I started watching a few new shows this summer and several shows that were on last summer so I don't have a lack of shows to talk about but let's talk about some of the new hit shows I've been watching and then talk about some of the returning ones (despite the fact that most of the shows are ending for the summer by now and it's about time to gear up for the new fall season!)
Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family) was a great new show this summer based on yet another book series (ala Gossip girl) it mixes that high school drama with a little murder mystery and who doesn't love a mystery. I know I'm 27 years old and probably should still want to watch these high school shows but I'm drawn to them for reason maybe it's because my high school experience really was nothing like these shows and I kinda wish it was...anyways...Pretty Little Liars has had its summer finale already but I think it's run this summer was great and worth picking up if you like the high school shows and like a good mystery. It kind of has a little "Twin Peaks" feel to it because the premise of TP was who killed Laura Palmer (although they rushed right through and answered it fairly early in TP) but this show has yet to give us an answer to who killed Allison DiLaurentis (the uber popular girl who had a lot of secrets)? Not only does it give us a high school murder mystery but we get to see Holly Marie Combs back on the little screen!
ABC Family also began airing a new showed called HUGE this summer about a group of kids at a camp to lose weight. Of course "Hairspray" star Niki Blonsky was a big reason I started to watch but the show has a lot of heart and is pretty funny in parts. The kids are relateable because they have real problems, unlike the kids on Gossip Girl or similar shows (don't get me wrong I still love Gossip Girl and those types of shows) but there are a lot of kids out there who are self conscious of their weight and this show deals with not only their weight but other teenage issues. Next week is the finale and it will be interesting to see how this show plays out beyond this season because it may be weird to have a show on in the winter about kids at a summer camp so ABC Family may have to stick to this being only on in the summer unlike their other programming.
Finally ABC Family has just started a new half hour comedy called Melissa & Joey. It's kind of a revamped "Who's the Boss". We get 2 90s child stars getting a crack at their own show here although the feel is that this show could have been made in the 90s so it draws me in because in my opinion the 90s were the peak of television in my era. Melissa is a successful woman in government who is taking care of her niece and nephew and needs to hire someone to help out around the house - enter Joey the new Tony Danza aka male nanny. The show hasn't hit a stride but I'm going to give it a chance. I really just want to watch Clarrissa Explains it All instead haha. I love the house which has a very 90s sitcom feel with the two sets of stairs (no house has two sets of stairs leading to the second floor in it does it?) and parts of it are funny but I could do without the "live studio audience" laugh track and the kids in the show haven't impressed me yet.
Moving on to USA network which already has one hit summer show that I love in Royal Pains (but we'll come back to that) and it can now add another hit show - which has been picked up for a second season already - Covert Affairs starring Piper Perabo and the hottie Christopher Gorham as well as Sendhil Ramamurthy (Heroes) Kari Matchette and Peter Gallagher is about a girl who joins the CIA after her boyfriend skips town (who also happens to be a spy but she doesn't realize it). The CIA calls her up out of training relatively early to work in the field. Piper Perabo plays Annie Walker the young CIA agent who works with Gorham the hottie blind tech guy as a spy but what she doesn't know is that the heads of the CIA are using her to get to her ex-bf spy. All in all an entertaining hour of television and getting to look at Christopher Gorham isn't half bad either!
TNT debuted it's new cop drama Memphis Beat this summer staring Jason Lee (My Name is Earl) I have been watching it all summer and I can say it is fun to watch. It's not my favorite new show and I can't tell if it's a show that will get picked up again but I enjoy Jason Lee and the southern cop he plays not to mention he sings at the end of every episode and I really love when shows incorporate good music. That is one of the reasons the WB/CW shows are so great because they introduce new bands in or have a lot of opportunities for musical guests (I'll try to take a blog entry some time soon to talk about how music influences my choice in programming). Still the show is good but not great however worth continuing to DVR.
Of course I did post an article earlier this summer about NBCs miniseries Persons Unknown. I have been watching it but it has been struggling on air. NBC moved it from Mondays to Saturdays which is a death toll in itself but I think the show started off really well but it's been kind of dragging a little. Last Saturday NBC aired an episode and then on Sunday released the next episode online only (it's never good when episodes get released online only). Next week is the last 2 episodes of the show and then it's done. I don't know if NBC had planned from the beginning for this to be a 1 summer show or if it had the potential to be renewed, I personally was under the impression that it wouldn't be coming back again from the beginning but I could be wrong however I don't think it will be coming back again if it had the option to or not. As long as we get an answer as to why these people were taken, where they are and what the "program" is, I'll be happy.
AMC began it's new series Rubicon a few weeks back. It's basically a conspiracy thriller and so far it's really intriguing. I'm really behind in watching it, I've only watched the first 3 episodes but so far I like it. AMC hasn't done too bad for itself with Mad Men and Breaking Bad (I wish I had watched that show from the start but I haven't seen an episode so I doubt I can get into it now) now it has Rubicon and this fall it will premier a new show called The Walking Dead (kind of a zombie show). But if you like movies about conspiracy plots you'll love this show. It's only about 6 episodes in so you can still start watching if you find the episodes online and catch up, or maybe they'll run a marathon. But it airs at 9pm on Sunday's before Mad Men.
Since this entry is rather long I'm going to save my other summer viewing habits entry for another day but stay tuned in the coming days for that plus a fall preview I have already seen the pilot episodes of The Event and Nikita and will be seeing Outsourced tomorrow (I love that my job in news television is finally giving me some entertainment television perks). I'll try to get you a little insight into these new shows without telling you what happens.
Anyone who reads this tell your friends to read :) also feel free to comment on what you like or don't like about these new summer shows or any other summer shows you watched that maybe I didn't catch on to. I'm always listening for great things on TV!
I started watching a few new shows this summer and several shows that were on last summer so I don't have a lack of shows to talk about but let's talk about some of the new hit shows I've been watching and then talk about some of the returning ones (despite the fact that most of the shows are ending for the summer by now and it's about time to gear up for the new fall season!)
Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family) was a great new show this summer based on yet another book series (ala Gossip girl) it mixes that high school drama with a little murder mystery and who doesn't love a mystery. I know I'm 27 years old and probably should still want to watch these high school shows but I'm drawn to them for reason maybe it's because my high school experience really was nothing like these shows and I kinda wish it was...anyways...Pretty Little Liars has had its summer finale already but I think it's run this summer was great and worth picking up if you like the high school shows and like a good mystery. It kind of has a little "Twin Peaks" feel to it because the premise of TP was who killed Laura Palmer (although they rushed right through and answered it fairly early in TP) but this show has yet to give us an answer to who killed Allison DiLaurentis (the uber popular girl who had a lot of secrets)? Not only does it give us a high school murder mystery but we get to see Holly Marie Combs back on the little screen!
ABC Family also began airing a new showed called HUGE this summer about a group of kids at a camp to lose weight. Of course "Hairspray" star Niki Blonsky was a big reason I started to watch but the show has a lot of heart and is pretty funny in parts. The kids are relateable because they have real problems, unlike the kids on Gossip Girl or similar shows (don't get me wrong I still love Gossip Girl and those types of shows) but there are a lot of kids out there who are self conscious of their weight and this show deals with not only their weight but other teenage issues. Next week is the finale and it will be interesting to see how this show plays out beyond this season because it may be weird to have a show on in the winter about kids at a summer camp so ABC Family may have to stick to this being only on in the summer unlike their other programming.
Finally ABC Family has just started a new half hour comedy called Melissa & Joey. It's kind of a revamped "Who's the Boss". We get 2 90s child stars getting a crack at their own show here although the feel is that this show could have been made in the 90s so it draws me in because in my opinion the 90s were the peak of television in my era. Melissa is a successful woman in government who is taking care of her niece and nephew and needs to hire someone to help out around the house - enter Joey the new Tony Danza aka male nanny. The show hasn't hit a stride but I'm going to give it a chance. I really just want to watch Clarrissa Explains it All instead haha. I love the house which has a very 90s sitcom feel with the two sets of stairs (no house has two sets of stairs leading to the second floor in it does it?) and parts of it are funny but I could do without the "live studio audience" laugh track and the kids in the show haven't impressed me yet.
Moving on to USA network which already has one hit summer show that I love in Royal Pains (but we'll come back to that) and it can now add another hit show - which has been picked up for a second season already - Covert Affairs starring Piper Perabo and the hottie Christopher Gorham as well as Sendhil Ramamurthy (Heroes) Kari Matchette and Peter Gallagher is about a girl who joins the CIA after her boyfriend skips town (who also happens to be a spy but she doesn't realize it). The CIA calls her up out of training relatively early to work in the field. Piper Perabo plays Annie Walker the young CIA agent who works with Gorham the hottie blind tech guy as a spy but what she doesn't know is that the heads of the CIA are using her to get to her ex-bf spy. All in all an entertaining hour of television and getting to look at Christopher Gorham isn't half bad either!
TNT debuted it's new cop drama Memphis Beat this summer staring Jason Lee (My Name is Earl) I have been watching it all summer and I can say it is fun to watch. It's not my favorite new show and I can't tell if it's a show that will get picked up again but I enjoy Jason Lee and the southern cop he plays not to mention he sings at the end of every episode and I really love when shows incorporate good music. That is one of the reasons the WB/CW shows are so great because they introduce new bands in or have a lot of opportunities for musical guests (I'll try to take a blog entry some time soon to talk about how music influences my choice in programming). Still the show is good but not great however worth continuing to DVR.
Of course I did post an article earlier this summer about NBCs miniseries Persons Unknown. I have been watching it but it has been struggling on air. NBC moved it from Mondays to Saturdays which is a death toll in itself but I think the show started off really well but it's been kind of dragging a little. Last Saturday NBC aired an episode and then on Sunday released the next episode online only (it's never good when episodes get released online only). Next week is the last 2 episodes of the show and then it's done. I don't know if NBC had planned from the beginning for this to be a 1 summer show or if it had the potential to be renewed, I personally was under the impression that it wouldn't be coming back again from the beginning but I could be wrong however I don't think it will be coming back again if it had the option to or not. As long as we get an answer as to why these people were taken, where they are and what the "program" is, I'll be happy.
AMC began it's new series Rubicon a few weeks back. It's basically a conspiracy thriller and so far it's really intriguing. I'm really behind in watching it, I've only watched the first 3 episodes but so far I like it. AMC hasn't done too bad for itself with Mad Men and Breaking Bad (I wish I had watched that show from the start but I haven't seen an episode so I doubt I can get into it now) now it has Rubicon and this fall it will premier a new show called The Walking Dead (kind of a zombie show). But if you like movies about conspiracy plots you'll love this show. It's only about 6 episodes in so you can still start watching if you find the episodes online and catch up, or maybe they'll run a marathon. But it airs at 9pm on Sunday's before Mad Men.
Since this entry is rather long I'm going to save my other summer viewing habits entry for another day but stay tuned in the coming days for that plus a fall preview I have already seen the pilot episodes of The Event and Nikita and will be seeing Outsourced tomorrow (I love that my job in news television is finally giving me some entertainment television perks). I'll try to get you a little insight into these new shows without telling you what happens.
Anyone who reads this tell your friends to read :) also feel free to comment on what you like or don't like about these new summer shows or any other summer shows you watched that maybe I didn't catch on to. I'm always listening for great things on TV!
ABC Family,
Covert Affairs,
Melissa and Joey,
Memphis Beat,
Persons Unknown,
Pretty Little Liars,
USA Network
August 10, 2010
OTH & Life Unexpected planning crossover episode?
According to Michael Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly, the CW is planning a crossover between fan favorited One Tree Hill and the sophomore show Life Unexpected. Now that the two shows will be sharing Tuesday nights on the CW, the promotional staff is hoping that OTH fans will tune in to watch Life Unexpected when Haley (Bethany Joy Galleoti) and Mia (Kate Voegele) make a trip to Portland, Oregon (the setting of Life Unexpected) to perform at a concert sponsored by Life Unexpected's Cate's (Shiri Applby) radio station.
As a fan of both shows, I'm interested to see how this works out. I'm obviously more invested in the cliff hanger ending from last season of OTH but I am hopeful for more Mia this season and Life Unexpected was highly enjoyable during it's brief run in the winter of last season. If you haven't seen it, it was promoted at Gilmore Girls meets Juno. Basically Cate got pregnant in high school by the football star Baze and gave the child up for adoption, now 16 years later Cate is trying to start a life with her radio co-host Ryan when Lux (the daughter she put up for adoption) shows back up in her life trying to become emancipated form the foster system because she never got adopted. The court denies her request but places her in the joint custody of Cate and Baze which of course leads to mixed feelings between the two and messes with Cate and Ryan's relationship. As the season goes on Baze realizes he's in love with Cate who is set to wed Ryan.
What do you think? Will this crossover work out? OTH fans will you tune in to watch Haley and Mia perform on the show? Sound off in the comments...
As a fan of both shows, I'm interested to see how this works out. I'm obviously more invested in the cliff hanger ending from last season of OTH but I am hopeful for more Mia this season and Life Unexpected was highly enjoyable during it's brief run in the winter of last season. If you haven't seen it, it was promoted at Gilmore Girls meets Juno. Basically Cate got pregnant in high school by the football star Baze and gave the child up for adoption, now 16 years later Cate is trying to start a life with her radio co-host Ryan when Lux (the daughter she put up for adoption) shows back up in her life trying to become emancipated form the foster system because she never got adopted. The court denies her request but places her in the joint custody of Cate and Baze which of course leads to mixed feelings between the two and messes with Cate and Ryan's relationship. As the season goes on Baze realizes he's in love with Cate who is set to wed Ryan.
What do you think? Will this crossover work out? OTH fans will you tune in to watch Haley and Mia perform on the show? Sound off in the comments...
Life Unexpected,
One Tree Hill
August 7, 2010
The Man in Black has a Name and it's....
According to, due to the upcoming auction of LOST props, we may have finally learned the name of the Man in Black. Apparently his real name was featured in the casting call for "The Incident" but in the credits he was listed as Man #2. However, with the auctioning of the actor's chair backs, it seems as though Titus Welliver (the actor who played the MIB) had a character name other than MIB on his what is his character's name?
Can you stand it anymore?
Are you sure you want to know what it is?
Are you ready...
Ok, his name is....
picture courtesy of DocArzt
So it's Jacob and Samuel. I'm going to take some days to do some research on the significance of this name and why they felt they shouldn't come out and just tell us his name.
So LOST fans, what do you think of this amazing revelation? What do you think it all means? The Complete 6th Season of LOST and LOST the Complete Series will be released on August 24th. Be sure to get your copy so you can see all the extras including and Epilogue showing Hurly and Ben's reign over the island, and hopefully some other mysteries will be answered as well...
Can you stand it anymore?
Are you sure you want to know what it is?
Are you ready...
Ok, his name is....

So it's Jacob and Samuel. I'm going to take some days to do some research on the significance of this name and why they felt they shouldn't come out and just tell us his name.
So LOST fans, what do you think of this amazing revelation? What do you think it all means? The Complete 6th Season of LOST and LOST the Complete Series will be released on August 24th. Be sure to get your copy so you can see all the extras including and Epilogue showing Hurly and Ben's reign over the island, and hopefully some other mysteries will be answered as well...
DVD release date,
Man in Black
Ryan Murphy Developing Comedy for Kristin Chenoweth
According to Entertainment Weekly, Glee creator Ryan Murphy is developing a half-hour musical comedy series to star his friend Kristin Chenoweth. Known best for her performances as the orignial Glinda in Wicked and as Fran Kubelik in the Broadway revival of Promises, Promises as well as guest appearing as April Rhodes in Glee, Chenoweth is no newcomer to television. She had parts in the short-lived ABC series Pushing Dasies and also played on The West Wing from 2004-2006. This also won't be her first crack at her own show. Back in 2001 she was the star of Kristin, however it only lasted 11 episodes. Ryan Murphy said it will not be a spin-off of Glee, but a brand new show to showcase Kristin's unique talents.
I've been wondering how many musical shows are going to be created in the coming years due to the success of Glee. I hope this is a great show because I really like Chenoweth, she has an amazing voice and is funny to boot!
So what do you think? Will this show be amazing or a flop? Sound off in the comments....
I've been wondering how many musical shows are going to be created in the coming years due to the success of Glee. I hope this is a great show because I really like Chenoweth, she has an amazing voice and is funny to boot!
So what do you think? Will this show be amazing or a flop? Sound off in the comments....
Kristin Chenoweth
August 4, 2010
Carol Burnett headed to Glee
Ok I know it's been a really long time since I posted anything but there's the big scoop. Carol Burnett has been cast to play none other that Sue Sylvester's nazi-hunting mother on Glee this fall! Tell me this isn't the most genius casting. No word on an exact episode for her appearance but supposedly it will be in October or November. Sue's father, however, will not be making an appearance (at least not at this time).
So what do you think this a perfect casting or what? sound off in the comments
So what do you think this a perfect casting or what? sound off in the comments
Carol Burnett,
Jane Lynch
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